Medical schools residencies, and other medical educational organizations are welcome to certify students in AWLS. There is no fee charged for hosting an AWLS course. There are fees for taking the certification examination:

Medical students and other health students: $30.00

Active Military: $30.00

Residents: $80.00 USD

Medical professionals other than physicians: $80.00 USD

Medical professionals - physicians: $140.00 USD

You may charge a fee for hosting your AWLS course. If you desire, we can list your course on our site and collect these fees. There is no charge for doing this.

This site will serve as the information source for all learners and the place where learners will be tested for certification.

Educators will teach the AWLS required subjects in a manner that would be best for their students, including the practical skills.  There are no specific guidelines other than to follow the educational objectives provided.

 A list of necessary subjects and objectives for AWLS and other certifications are listed on the AWLS homepage.  But educators can teach more subjects if they want. 

Teachers should use University of Utah School of Medicine materials as much as possible, including the textbooks, Power Point lectures, practice tests and podcasts. However teachers can use other materials as needed. There is no cost for using these materials. 

Learners should take the practice exams and watch the practical skills videos.

Learners should listen to the AWLS podcasts. They are called AWLS and found wherever people listen to podcasts

Learners will be tested for certification using the Univeristy of Utah School of Medicine site so that quality will be maintained, and standards followed. 

Medical students in the course are welcome to sign up for medical school credit offered through VSLO/VSAS but medical schools could offer credit at their schools instead.

There should be a lead instructor who should be AWLS certified.

Teachers will download the instructors manual from the link below.

The link to download the Power Point lectures is also below.

Please send us an email and let us know your interest. We will approve the course and give you the password to take the certification exams.  We should know:

  1. Where and when the course will be taught

  2. What is the student population i.e., medical students, nursing students, PA students, residents, etc.

  3. Indicate who will be directing the course and their credentials

  4. Do you want to list this on our site

  5. Will you collect fees? Or do you want us to do that.

 Email me at the Univeristy of Utah School of Medicine:


Our faculty are anxious to have you teach our courses. Please fill out the application by clicking the button below


Below are the links for the Instructors Manual and the PowerPoint lectures. They are password protected. So, if you don’t have the password, email us.